Monday, June 14, 2010

Email and Facebook Hacked!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please disregard any email or facebook messages you receive from me about being mugged and needing money!!

I have not been mugged, but both accounts have been hacked.


  1. Hi, Christina, glad to hear you are doing well! :)

  2. i still can't believe that happened :/
    i miss you on facebook! i'm glad to hear that everything is okay, we were worried about you!

  3. Hello Christina, This is your "uncle by proxy from Uncle Johnnie" Mario Cueto.
    I almost fell out of my chair when I received the email about your mugging in Cardiff. In my state of convalescence that was shocking and I did not know what to do. So I immediately sent you an email to hotmail which promptly came back . I franctically searched for your blog details which fortunately I was able to retreive and when I saw the heading about the hacking I breathed a great sigh of relief. Please send me your phone number in Parana so we can confer about arrangement for your overnight prior to travelling to USA in July and for your return from USA.

    Mario Cueto

    PS I have to use my a borrowed Google account because I don't have any of the "profile options" that will allow me to post the comment.

  4. Hi Mario!
    I'm so sorry to startle you!!
    I'm really angry about all that hacker nonsense!

    My hotmail account has since been deleted so I no longer have your email address. I sent an email to Uncle Johnny asking him for it.
    If you get this first, please send me an email at My plane leaves BA on July 9th at night. My phone number is 343 516 4052.

    Best Wishes,
